About Me...

Welcome, Y’all! I’m Meg.

I’m a born and raised Georgian and fortunate enough to still live in this great state nearby most of my family. I started this blog as a way to document our infertility journey, share our story, and connect with others who are having similar struggles.

My husband and I married in 2009 and since then have attempted IVF four separate times; two of those attempts were cancelled, one unsuccessful, and one that has yet to be determined (frozen cycle will be early 2015!). Throughout our journey to starting our family I’ve learned a lot about myself (once I realized I had to get over myself and my perpetual habit to plan out everything… type A much?). God has forgiven me more times than I deserve and He has given us the strength to endure this road. He has provided for us in ways that I have a hard time wrapping my mind around, and surely in ways that I don’t deserve.

To take heart is to become confident or courageous during a difficult situation. It took me many failed months, many failed treatments to realize that my place right now is to take heart. To not cower in the face of adversity, but to let the Lord speak through my adversity for His good. Infertility has shown me the true character of God.

We are currently coming upon a crossroads in our journey and I don’t know which way the road will lead. At this point in time, no option for growing our family is off the table. Our hearts are open to (and in no particular order) donor eggs, embryo adoption, continuing IVF with my eggs and a different doctor, trying on our own while doing acupuncture, adoption… have I forgotten any here? All this to say, our hearts are open to however the Lord chooses to expand our family.

I enjoy reading and researching about fertility and overall health (although I need some help when it comes to implementing those changes). I believe that there are real dangers in our foods and environment that are causing so many cases of “unexplained” infertility, heart disease, diabetes, cancer… the list goes on and on. It is my personal belief that the food we consume should be free from chemicals, toxins, artificial sweeteners, GMO, and unpronounceable ingredients. I am passionate about educating others to know that we, as the consumer, must do our homework and NOT rely on the marketing and advertising of companies or the government to tell us what is healthy. Dealing with infertility has taught me that I have to research, read, learn, and be my own advocate.

Thanks for stopping by!

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