Tuesday, May 26, 2015


2015 has been a wild ride. On Saturday, February 7, 2015 I took a HPT that revealed the two most beautiful little lines my eyes have ever seen. We couldn't believe it, but I am pregnant! We had three beta blood draws, all off of the charts and a 6 week scan that confirmed two little heartbeats. Hubby and I have since found out that both little miracles are girls :)

So far the pregnancy has gone about as "normal" as one could expect. I thank God that thus far we have been complication-free, although I'm only 19 weeks and I'm well aware that we still have a long journey ahead of us before we get to meet our little babes. 

Pregnancy after infertility has been a total shock to me; in pretty much every way possible. I have found that other IF bloggers who have made it to the other side rarely touched on this topic, so I look forward to discussing in more detail soon. Come to find out, pregnancy is not the cure for infertility, and it certainly does not erase the scars overnight.

When I started writing at the beginning of this year I hoped to chronicle our journey to getting pregnant, because we were at a point in the journey where we had hit a crossroads. So, now that we have reached this exciting goal I look forward to continuing to write about infertility, pregnancy, preparing for life with twins, and just life in general.